One Year On Testo

Testo One Year On

Your noddy-body rinses

it's ruddy cloudy skin

Stingy, unsettled, so,

summer sets in on the city,

Under umbrells

And waiting at counters

And the sun slips low down

Disappears the day after

Locked in the zoo, like

Animals braying low groans and deeper

Half-spit half-thoughts, half the wit.

Tighten up the barricades and
cool up

Here is something here is. Something is

Far from something, it has or it has not

She is either or niether

Taking a deep breath

As up we go out

With the tidy

Dolling out of bells tolling

Ellie, I'm sorry..


I only meant to kiss you

Lying awake

On the edge of the bed,

The sun sits low



I'm sorry.