Testi Soundtracks :: P

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z1

Passion - First Letter


Clara ...


Clara ...

I cried.


I cried.


Imagine that, a soldier who cries.


I had to hide my eyes, so the others on the train

That carried me away from you would think I was asleep.


[spoken] Music?


[spoken] That's Signora Fosca playing.


[spoken] My cousin. I have no family and neither does she.

She is in such poor health, it's a continual worry.


[spoken] That's her place setting, but she stays in her room most days.

Perhaps soon she'll be well enough to join us for a meal.


[spoken] She eats like a sparrow.


[spoken] My apologies, sir.

The comparison has struck me as funny.

A sparrow seems to eat more than Signora Fosca. A pity it is ...

[COLONEL (to Giorgio)]

[spoken] My cousin loves to read - it's her only passion, really.

I can't find enough books for her.


[spoken] I also love reading.

I've brought a few of my favorite books down.

Perhaps I could lend them to Signora Fosca,

though I can't promise they will appeal to her.


[spoken] Young man, she's been driven to reading military handbooks.

I've no doubt she will welcome anything in print.


[spoken] Post arrived!


[spoken] Hand it round Augenti.

Nothing for me again? It's been two weeks.


[spoken] It smells to me as if Captain Bachetti has a letter from an admirer.