Asshole Testo

Testo Asshole

I heard a tree It was talking to me.
It said "You are an ass-hole."
A honeybee Went buzzing by me.
It said "You're such an ass-hole."
I've experienced such strange phenomena
since I left my sweet Marie.
I left her to see the world
now the whole world is mad at me!

I caught a fish. The fish was pissed
"I been caught by an ass-hole!"
And I threw it back and a seagull crapped
"For you are an ass-hole!"
I've experienced such weird phenomena
since I left you my Marie
I walked away from your sweet sweet love
now the whole world is through with me

I've experienced such odd phenomena
since you left me my Marie
The whole world can call me what it wants
if you just come back to me My Marie!
I need you sweet Marie You're still an ass-hole
I'm on my knees, my Marie You're still an ass-hole