Testi canzoni K. Forest
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Potent testo
- Against The Wall testo
- Cry testo
- I'm Leaving Today testo
- Madness testo
Memory Springs (2020)
- Fall Back Gang testo
- Love Worth Having testo
Fall Back Gang / Love Worth Having (2019)
- Bout That testo
- Take Notes testo
- Contact Me testo
- Save The Lies testo
- James Confidence testo
When It's All Said And Done (2018)
- Reason testo
- Unusual-Self testo
- Non-Intentional testo
- Two Twos testo
- Easy Way testo
Pray for A Beautiful Sky (2018)
- Playa Playa testo